The National Infantry Museum and Soldier Center is the largest privately funded and operated military museum in the country. It was the National Infantry Museum Foundation’s responsibility to raise the money to build the museum, and it is the Foundation’s responsibility to fund operating expenses. As a member of any of our membership organizations, you are an integral part in the future success of the museum.
Follow Me Home
As a monthly donor through the Follow Me Home membership program, your gift will help the museum continue its mission of honoring Soldiers – past, present, and future. Whether you are an Army supporter locally or from afar, you can honor the National Infantry Museum by joining today. And you’ll receive a special window cling to demonstrate your pride in the Infantry!
Blue Cord
Crossed Rifles

Join the 1775 Society
By joining the 1775 Society, you pledge to pay annual dues which offer significant financial help to the National Infantry Museum Foundation in running the museum and continuing the mission of honoring Soldiers – past, present, and future. In addition to providing ongoing financial support, the 1775 Society hosts the museum’s annual Salute to Soldiers black tie Gala and Silent Auction each August.
Join Now | Learn More |
Basic Membership
1775 Society Level – $1,000:
- Infantry Heritage Newsletter subscription
- Subscription to Impact, the quarterly 1775 newsletter
- Museum event early registration
- Museum event reserved seating
- Recognition on donor kiosk, museum website and Columbus and the Valley annual report
- Heritage Walk paver discounts – 50% discount (up to three total)
- Two complimentary tickets to the annual Salute to Soldiers black tie gala and silent auction
Patriot Membership
- Infantry Heritage Newsletter subscription
- Subscription to Impact, the quarterly 1775 newsletter
- Museum event early registration
- Museum even reserved seating
- Recognition on donor kiosk, museum website and Columbus and the Valley annual report
- Heritage Walk paver discounts – one free and 50% discount (up to three total)
- Aflac Soldier Duck
- Four complimentary tickets to the annual Salute to Soldiers black tie gala and silent auction
- Two Giant Screen Theater passes for a year with complimentary small popcorn and drink
Liberty Membership
- Infantry Heritage Newsletter subscription
- Subscription to Impact, the quarterly 1775 newsletter
- Museum event early registration
- Museum even reserved seating
- Recognition on donor kiosk, museum website and Columbus and the Valley annual report
- Heritage Walk paver discounts – two free and 50% discount (up to three total)
- Aflac Soldier Duck
- Six complimentary tickets to the annual Salute to Soldiers black tie gala and silent auction
- Two Giant Screen Theater passes for a year with complimentary small popcorn and drink
Freedom Membership
Freedom Level – $10,000:
- Infantry Heritage Newsletter subscription
- Subscription to Impact, the quarterly 1775 newsletter
- Museum event early registration
- Museum even reserved seating
- Recognition on donor kiosk, museum website and Columbus and the Valley annual report
- Heritage Walk paver discounts – four free and 50% discount (up to three total)
- Aflac Soldier Duck
- 10 complimentary tickets to the annual Salute to Soldiers black tie gala and silent auction
- Two Giant Screen Theater passes for a year with complimentary small popcorn and drink
- Heritage Hall, Patriot Hall and new Courtyard rental discounts
Current Members
Thank you to the 2022 patrons, benefactors and friends of the National Infantry Museum!
Follow Me Home Blue Cord Level
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Danforth
Mr. Richard Ellbeg
SSG Lynette Eriacho
Mr. Vernon Sanders
Mr. Jeffrey Tucker
Ms. Rita Wagnon
Mr. Don Watts
Mr. Isaac Younkin
Follow Me Home Crossed Rifles Level
COL (Ret) and Mrs. Jeffrey Dill
Mr. Rod Egan
Mrs. Jean Harron
LTG (Ret) and Mrs. Guy LaBoa
COL (Ret) Lawrence Redmond
Mr. Daniel Teshima
Follow Me Home Victory Level
COL (Ret) and Mrs. Daniel Barnett
COL (Ret) and Mrs. Michael Barron
COL Keirn C. Brown Jr.
SSG Aaron Capps
SGT Andrew Connelly
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Durham
Mrs. Jan Dutton
Mrs. Leslie Fedde
Mr. Andrew Gomez
Mr. Kevin Harcourt
COL Gregory C. Kane
CSM and Mrs. Michael Kelso
Mr. Kirk Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mayne
CSM Andrew McFowler
Mr. Anthony Moody
PVT William Moody
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Patrick
Ms. Sue Peney
Dr. Robin Pennock
Mrs. Melanie Piland
SSG Alfonso Roman
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Smith
Mrs. Melody Venable
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Walker
LTC (Ret) Richard Wood
1775 Society Level Members
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Amos
Mrs. R. Wayne Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Anthony
Mr. Tom Arthur
Mrs. Champ Baker Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ball
Miss Sandra Jo Barclay
LTG (Ret) Jared Bates
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Bayer
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Beard
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Benton, Jr.
Mrs. Susan Berry
Mr. and Mrs. James Blanchard
Mr. and Mrs. William Blanchard
Mr. and Mrs. George Boyd, Sr.
GEN (Ret) David Bramlett
COL (Ret) and Mrs. Johnny Brooks
GEN (Ret) Arthur Brown, Jr.
GEN (Ret) and Mrs. Edwin Burba, Jr.
COL (Ret) and Mrs. Bill Carty
LTG (Ret) and Mrs. Carmen Cavezza
COL (Ret) and Mrs. Rob Choppa
Mr. and Mrs. Bret Coffman
Mr. and Mrs. Don Corbin
Mrs. Lovick Corn
MSGT (Ret) and Mrs. Kenneth Couture
Mr. Tim and The HON Charmaine Crabb
LTC (Ret) and Mrs. Jim Creek
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Denehy
Mrs. Owen Ditchfield
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Dove
MG (Ret) Maurice Edmonds
MG (Ret) and Mrs. Carl Ernst
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Eysel
Mr. and Mrs. James Ferrell
LTG (Ret) and Mrs. Harold Fields
MG (Ret) Patricia Frost
Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner Garrard
Drs. Cindy and Spencer Garrard
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goldfrank
GEN (Ret) Benjamin Griffin
Mrs. Richard Hallock
Mr. Kevin Harcourt
Mr. and Mrs. Madden Hatcher, Jr.
William and Ashley Hawthorne
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hecht III
Mr. Richard Hecht
Mrs. Roger Hewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Comer Hobbs
COL (Ret) and Mrs. Hank Holcomb
The HON and Mrs. John House
Mr. Bob Hurt
Mr. Robert Hurt
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Irvin
Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Jacobson
GEN (Ret) Charles Jacoby, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Jordan
Dr. William P. Kendall
Mr. and Mrs. Kelsey Kennon
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kelso
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kilpatrick, Jr.
COL (Ret) and Mrs. Cole Kingseed
Mr. and Mrs. C. Robert Koon
Dr. and Mrs. James Kurish
LTG (Ret) and Mrs. Guy LaBoa
Mr. and Mrs. Mason Lampton
Mrs. Earle Lasseter
SGM (Ret) Jim Lee
CSM (Ret) and Mrs. Chris Lewis
BG (Ret) and Dr. James Mace
Mr. Doug Magruder
LTG (Ret) and Mrs. Lawson Magruder III
GEN (Ret) and Mrs. Barry McCaffrey
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McGahee
Mrs. Scott McGurk
MG (Ret) Carl McNair, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ray McPhail
CSM (Ret) and Mrs. Jeff Mellinger
Mr. Kenneth Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Naik
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Nichols
LTG (Ret) and Mrs. Jack Nix
Dr. Lyle Norwood
COL (Ret) and Mrs. Dick Nurnberg
COL (Ret) Bob Offer and Dr. Carole Rutland
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Parker
Dr. Richard Parrish II and Dr. Ibolja Cernak
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pease III
LTC (Ret) and Mrs. Mac Plummer
Mr. and Mrs. James Poole
Mr. Teddy Price
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Privette
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ramsay
Chaplain LTC (Ret) Anthony Randall
Mrs. Sam Rawls, Jr.
Mr. Bill Reaves
Col (Ret) and Mrs. Andy Redmond
GEN (Ret) and Mrs. William Richardson
The HON Tom Ridge
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Roberts
LTC (Ret) and Mrs. Scott Rutter
Ms. Margaret Salter
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sampson
COL (Ret) Don Sando and the HON Julia L. Sando
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Scarbrough III
BG (Ret) Gene Schmidt
Mrs. H. Norman Schwarzkopf
Mr. Bill Scrantom
COL (Ret) and Mrs. Michael Sierra
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Silverstein
LTG (Ret) Edwin Smith
LTG (Ret) and Mrs. Gary Speer
Mr. and Mrs. John Stacy
Mr. and Mrs. J. Riley Stansell
MG (Ret) and Mrs. William Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stickles
Mr. and Mrs. Mathews Swift
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Talley
Ms. Mary Terry
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Tomlinson
Mike and Melody Trimble
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Trotter
LTC (Ret) Jim Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Turner
Ms. Lois Tryon
BG (Ret) Joseph R. Ulatoski
Mr. and Mrs. John Walden, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Ward
CSM (Ret) and Mrs. Fred Weekley
Mrs. Sam Wetzel
MG (Ret) and Mrs. Jerry White
Mr. and Mrs. Will White
GEN (Ret) John Wickham
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilensky
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams
LTG (Ret) Leonard Wishart III
MG (Ret) and Mrs. Walt Wojdakowski
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Woods
Mr. and Mrs. John Woolbright
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Wooten
Mrs. Deborah Yates
Mr. L. Meredith Yoe, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yellowlees
Mrs. Al Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dyer
1775 Society Patriot Level Members
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Abeyta
Phyllis and Newt Aaron
Mr. and Mrs. James Balkcom, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Pablo Bermudez
Mr. Richard Bickerstaff, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Buntin
COL (Ret) and Mrs. Greg Camp
COL (Ret) John D’Agostino
Emory University, Goizueta Business School
COL (Ret) and Mrs. Dan Fuhr
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Goldfrank
Mr. and Mrs. John Hargrove
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Henson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hillenbrand
COL (Ret) and Mrs. Robert I. Hoidahl, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Huff
BG (Ret) and Mrs. Pete Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck McClure
MG (Ret) James Musselman
COL (Ret) and Mrs. Edward Northrop
Dr. Robin Pennock
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Rossi
The HON and Mrs. Bill Rumer
Mr. and Mrs. John Shinkle
Mr. and Mrs. John Thayer
Mrs. Jill Warlick
LTC (Ret) Richard Wood
Mr. Richard Wright
Mr. and Mrs. James Yancey
1775 Society Liberty Level Members
GEN (Ret) and Mrs. John Abizaid
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Butler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Flournoy
James G. and Kathryn A. Hillenbrand
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Link
Mrs. Jean McKee
MG (Ret) and Mrs. Peter McVey
LTG (Ret) and Mrs. Tom Metz
GEN (Ret) Robert RisCassi
George and Ann Swift Family Foundation
Mr. Philip Thayer
The HON Judy Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Wright Waddell
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Weaver
Mrs. Katherine Corn Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Woolfolk III
1775 Society Freedom Level Members
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cheves
COL (Ret) and Mrs. Ray Kauffman
Mr. Don Jones
GEN (Ret) Buck Kernan
GEN (Ret) William F. Kernan
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Kurtz
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lumpkin III
Mr. and Mrs. Warner Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pezold
COL (Ret) and Mrs. Ralph Puckett
Pritzker Military Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Savory
GEN (Ret) and Mrs. Hugh Shelton
Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Solis